Ireland is in the top-twenty worldwide for its higher education system, according to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook .
To put the learner in control, the Quality and Qualifications Ireland has developed a National Framework of Qualifications known as the NFQ system. This 10-level framework enables comparison of different qualifications from different education institutions and ensures their recognition – both in Ireland and overseas.
What’s more, qualifications in the NFQ are quality assured. This means that you, the learner, can have confidence that your course, and the institution at which you are studying, are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Irish Government. Quality assurance is intended to ensure that all learners have a high quality learning experience regardless of where you are studying.
Importantly also, the Irish NFQ system is compatible with the ENIC-NARIC (European Network of Information Centres/National Academic Recognition Information Centres), which facilitates the recognition of academic qualifications throughout Europe and internationally in countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.